19 ore fa
venerdì 7 giugno 2013
Katy Perry and Adam Levine Spotted at Same Recording Studio
Katy Perry and Adam Levine were both seen Wednesday at the same L.A. recording studio. Though it's unclear whether the pair are collaborating on a new project, the 28-year-old "California Gurls" singer was snapped entering the studio in a grey sweat suit, bandana and shades as The Voice judge left in a white tee and dark-washed jeans. Australian pop star Sia and DJ Diplo were also spotted with Perry during her studio sesh."Actually, this picture is more valuable," she tweeted in response to a photo posted by Sia captioned, "Me & @diplo keeping @katyperry shielded from the paps in the trees." The "Hot N' Cold" singer has been working on her newest album, scheduled to be released this summer. So will we hear the Maroon 5 frontman on a record? Guess we'll just have to wait and see!
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