"I could not risk a mistake", he justified the singer who had been given the task more difficult. But he swears he will not do the Superbowl.Eventually, after many rumors, he confessed: "It 's true on stage at the swearing-in of President Obama sang the American anthem in playback. But it was cold, I was tense, I did not want to take any chances ...". Certainly, however, a disappointment: the interpretation of the beautiful African-American singer, followed with emotion by the president and with his mouth wide open to thousands of Americans, had been the most exciting moment of the ceremony on the 21st January. But Beyonce has no intention to dramatize. And now coming to the press conference on the Superbowl, the classic and the very popular event of American Football, the Superfinal that this year will be held between the "San Francisco 49ers" and the "Baltimore Ravens" before speaking, she performed in a splenida interpretation of 'hymn. "Any questions?", He asked defiantly told reporters. The fact is that the playback has been a drop in style. He promised that it will bite and the Superbowl, cold or not, will sing live.
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