giovedì 27 dicembre 2012

Demi Lovato Sandy Hook Tribute, Singer Dedicates 'Angels Among Us' To Newtown Shooting Victim!

In a Sandy Hook tribute, surrounded by white candles and accompanied mainly by a piano, an emotive Demi Lovato sings Alabama’s “Angels Among Us” in a video posted online on Christmas Eve.
Less than two weeks after the Sandy Hook Elementary tragedy that took the lives of 20 schoolchildren ages 6 and 7, the residents of Newtown, Conn. were faced with the task of celebrating Christmas Day for the sake of the many who witnessed and survived the shooting.
The 20 year-old songstress and X-Factor judge posted the video in honor of the victims and their families with an opening message that reads:
We can never imagine what the families in Newtown, CT are experiencing right now. And while there is nothing we can do to replace their loss, we can stand together and support them during this difficult time. This song is in honor of those angels we lost on December 14.
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