New Music: Chance the Rapper - 'I Am Very Very Lonely'
Listen to Chance the Rapper do rhymes in the not so happy track 'I Am Very Very Lonely'. The freebie was released though Chance's official SoundCloud on April 30th, 2014, the date that marks the one year anniversary of the release of mixtape 'Acid Rap'.
this track.
"It’s just me and la cucaracha tonight / Cold pizza with the hot Sriracha tonight", SINGS Chance the Rapper in the opening of 'I Am Very Very Lonely'.
If you're sitting on your couch right now doing nothing or are bored, then Chance the Rapper's new track will definitely serve as an anthem to you right now.
Chance the Rapper is part of the line-up of upcoming 'MAD DECENT BLOCK PARTY' shows in Boston, Philadelphia and Toronto. Get tickets now.
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